Türkçe Türkçe

Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University

International Entrepreneurship Innovation and Development Conference


1. Page layout: A4, 2cm from all directions (bottom / top / right / left)

2. Abstracts and Main text: Times New Roman, 10 pt.

3. Main Headings (ALL CAPITAL LETTERS) and subtitles (First Letters Capital) Times New Roman 12 pt.

4. Author Names: Times New Roman, 12 font size,

5. Texts: single line, no indent in paragraphs.

6. Abstracts: Between 150-300 Words

7. Full texts: Between 3000-5000 words

8. For citation and bibliography, APA 6 version should be used.

9. In the tables, the title should be given above the table as follows: 10 pt. Table 1. Xxxx Xxxx

10. In the figures, the title should be given under the figure as follows: 10 points Figure 1. Xxxx Xxxx

11. Results of the computer program should be given in tables and figures, without being pasted as a picture, but arranged.

12. In Full Text Papers, SIMILARITY SCORE RATIO, Excluding Bibliography (It should not exceed 20%.)

13. Similarity reports should be sent with full texts.